Hamon Overhead Door is proud to be a member of and certified by some of the industry’s leading organizations and associations.

International Door Association (IDA)
The International Door Association's primary mission is to provide programs and services to door and access system dealers, for the express purpose of enhancing their value and professionalism. IDA plays an important role in the process of quality creation and control by providing helpful programs and services to those who sell, install, and service the superb products produced by the door industry's exhaustive list of manufacturers.

California Certified Small Business #42755
As a small business in the state of California, you must meet certain criteria. We have met the Small Business Certification eligibility requirements. As a certified small business, we are eligible for the State's Small Business Participation Program.

Better Business Bureau (BBB)
The BBB maintains Business Reviews on more than 4.5 million businesses and rates them based on complaint histories, responsiveness to customers, licensing, legal and government action, and other factors. Only Accredited Businesses that meet the BBB Code of Business Practices are permitted to display the BBB logo in their marketing and place of business.

Paso Robles City Chamber of Commerce
The Paso Robles Chamber of Commerce is a leader in strengthening the economic health and prosperity of Paso’s businesses and residents. Its mission is to promote economic vitality, empower leaders, champion businesses, foster civic engagement, and honor local history.

SLO County Builders Exchange
The San Luis Obispo County Builders Exchange is a 501(c)(6) non-profit contractors association that began in 1949. The 600+ members are licensed contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers to the construction industry. SLO County Builders Exchange is dedicated to being THE voice for the construction industry in San Luis Obispo County.

Western Access Systems Association (WASA)
Western Access Systems Association (WASA) is a non-profit association originally incorporated in 1983 as the California Operator & Door Association (CODA). WASA's mission is to promote the integrity and professionalism of the garage door and gate industry through consumer awareness and the use of licensed contractors.

CSLB, Fully Licensed
Hamon Overhead Door is fully licensed by the Contractor's State License Board: CSLB #391619